TESCAN insitu tensile testing, University of Surrey perform correlative materials characterisation using Deben MT5000
Micro X-Ray CT Tensile & compression testing
Zeiss Versa X-ray insitu – University of Aberdeen Deben CT5000 to observe compressive damage mechanisms in syntactic foam
In recent work the School of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen carried…
GE X-ray insitu – Penn State University uses Deben CT5000 stage with X-ray tomography to study solid state mechanics of biomaterials
Dr Jing Du is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical &…
NanoTechnology Solutions – Appointed as Deben distributor in Australia & New Zealand
Deben UK Ltd., a leading manufacturer of in-situ tensile testers and innovative accessories…
Zeiss X-ray insitu – Luleå University of Technology is using the Deben CT5000TEC to perform X-ray microtomography experiments on deformation of snow
Dr Fredrik Forsberg is an Associate Senior Lecturer in the Department of Engineering…
Zeiss XCT insitu – The Zeiss Global Centre at the University of Portsmouth uses Deben µXCT stages to characterise biological structures
The Zeiss Global Centre (ZGC) is a strategic collaboration between the School of…