X-ray CT Seminar 5 July Leeds
Do you have a material that you want to better understand at the…
Thermo Fisher insitu testing – Deben supply a tensile stage as an accessory for Phenom XL desktop SEM
Phenom-World, the leading global supplier of desktop scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), has once…
RX Solutions In-Situ X-Ray CT – An easy process to get unique results, featuring Deben CT5000 & EasyTOM XL
Micro X-Ray CT Tensile & compression testing
TESCAN insitu tensile testing, University of Surrey perform correlative materials characterisation using Deben MT5000
Micro X-Ray CT Tensile & compression testing
Pinnacle X-ray with Deben CT20kN Open Frame Testing Rig for Auburn University
Early in 2020 two of our engineers traveled to Alabama, USA to install…